Posted March 2Mar 2 Hi,In this video I am testing player / Bot exhaust trails. In this second revision I am using a larger sprite as the exhaust particle. Along with other settings it yields a better looking trail. I am flying in a ship that has a green trail and is the original particle effect for comparison.I like the look and it adds to the depth and player ship team identity as I plan to use the team color for exhaust trail. This is an area that will benefit from a future buy system where you might personalize your trail color. ( video - 1080p 00:08)More soon.Vidiot_Xbot-trail-2.mp4
March 7Mar 7 Are you applying any velocity to the trail? If you fly directly against a wall in Continuum, it will shoot the exhaust backwards. I was trying to replicate how Continuum does it and found it important to apply the velocity to get a good result in any situation.
March 8Mar 8 Author @monkey I am using a scale curve over velocity which gives it that jet exhaust look. I will in the future being experimenting with different effects and looks and account for collision soon as Godot now supports that. For now it's getting the fundamental exhaust particle feature going, which I have done. After I have this pre-alpha going it will be fun to experiment with different styles and looks possible for ship exhaust.
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