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  1. Vidiot_X posted a post in a topic in The Lounge
    Right on.. Thanks. Yup, just dipping my toe in.. The Bambu Lab's X1C looks interesting and it sounds like I'm talking to the right guy. :)
  2. Vidiot_X posted a post in a topic in The Lounge
    @PoLiX Which printer do you use? I've been thinking of getting a 3D printer.
  3. Hi, I have made a development video snapshot of Phoenix USC in action. In this video I do a map/base run-through while 32 bots battle for the base flag. All bots are server controlled and the view is from a client. This video will give you a good overview of my development progress and all of the wonderful new features I've added ... like bots! I run through nearly all of the base and surrounding base area showing off all the base lighting effects, shader background, bots, radar and more. It will also give you a glimpse into what game play will be like as the 32 bots do well simulating players. Ive made a lot of progress in the last few months and I think this video helps to illustrate that. More soon! Checkout the video
  4. Vidiot_X posted a post in a topic in Phoenix USC
    @monkey I am using a scale curve over velocity which gives it that jet exhaust look. I will in the future being experimenting with different effects and looks and account for collision soon as Godot now supports that. For now it's getting the fundamental exhaust particle feature going, which I have done. After I have this pre-alpha going it will be fun to experiment with different styles and looks possible for ship exhaust.
  5. Vidiot_X posted a post in a topic in Phoenix USC
    Hi, In this video I am testing player / Bot exhaust trails. In this second revision I am using a larger sprite as the exhaust particle. Along with other settings it yields a better looking trail. I am flying in a ship that has a green trail and is the original particle effect for comparison. I like the look and it adds to the depth and player ship team identity as I plan to use the team color for exhaust trail. This is an area that will benefit from a future buy system where you might personalize your trail color. ( video - 1080p 00:08) More soon. Vidiot_X bot-trail-2.mp4
  6. Hi, I have player positions represented by rectangles in the mini-map or radar. This was a bit challenging as I first have to convert a tile map layer to an image and then display image. I then convert all of the bot and player position to project tiny rectangles on top of them image which represent their positions in the map. This works just like you might see in Continuum. More on radar and attach modes soon.
  7. Hi, In the attached video you can see me testing attach mode on two game clients. As I attach both clients to a bot player you can see that both clients are in sync even though there is over 100ms in delay from the server. This is done through a custom synchronization I've done entirely in GDScript (Godot Script). I am also working on radar or a mini map. It first generates an image of the collision layer of the tilemap and then displays it scaled down. This method is much more efficient then redrawing the tile map layer. You can see the radar in the lower right of this image. More soon 32-bots-4-pusc.mp4
  8. Hi, I will be regularly posting progress updates and more here shortly. Phoenix USC is my spiritual remake of SubSpace and Continuum with a completely new server and client, a whole new game. My recent progress include a test of the Phoenix USC's server supporting 32 server controlled bot's. In this short attached video 32 bot's fight it out and as viewed from a Phoenix USC client. I will post more soon on Phoenix USC and where to follow my progress. More soon., Vidiot_X 32-bots-3-pusc.mp4
  9. Vidiot_X posted a post in a topic in The Lounge
    A fresh start! Wonderful to see PoLiX. Taking a look around. :)

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