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Everything posted by PoLiX

  1. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Phoenix USC
    Progress man. Know you've had a lot going on in life and all, so glad to see you're back to it 👍
  2. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Got my netstat code working again. Just need to put it in the database and code the widget to display it. Should be doable within a few days.
  3. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Seems Steam uses the OpenID format, not Oauth2. IPB has some of the OpenID authentication protocol set up, but not fully enabled. I'm going to have to do some coding to actually get this working. May be a few weeks.
  4. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Got the files all organized. Just need to create categories here and start uploading them. Expect this within the next week or so
  5. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in The Lounge
    Disclaimer: this is a very old list, but some is still relevant 1) You find yourself trying to run over green lights, attacking redlights, and ignoring yellow lights. 2) You keep looking for Escape-F3 on your dashboard to find out whoelse is on the road with you. 3) You have ever shifted your car into reverse at full speed totake a corner faster .(I've done this and have the mangled transmissiontto prove it :) 4) You have ever played a game of SubSpace for more than 24 hours. 5) You don't understand why item 4 is on this list, doesn'teveryone? 6) You find out space is three-dimentional and think "no it'snot.." 7) Your friend's terrier starts yap-yap-yapping at you and you wantto just turn and kick the living **** out of it. 8) You know exactly whats about to happen when you see: >Stay out of the main chamber I'm about to repel the combmines 9) You don't have macros because you can type that fast now. 10) Your parents ask you how college is goin' and you reply,"great! I just made 53 on the dueling ladder!" 11) You try and create a scenario. 12) and succeed 13) You have ever accumulated a 6-digit score. 14) You compose a "you know you've played to much when" list. 15) You can identify the ship type by its movement on your radar. 16) You have ever considered spending more time writing a cheating"hack" than it would take to actually get that good. 17) It's never occured to you to wonder why there are walls inspace. 18) You know Rod and JeffP 19) They know you 20) You can identify everyone on the player list, the ship theyfly, their general tactics and their mother's maiden name. 21) You're ?usage reports a number that is only possible if youhave not slept in 2 1/2 months. 22) You squash a spider in your living room and feel really goodabout it. 23) Those old westerns where outlaws have five digit bounties ontheir heads seem much more impressive. 24) You fill out a purchase requisition for a Pentium 200 Mhz atwork, only so you can get one more person in the lab online. (yes, I'vedone this too) 25) You understand any of this 26) You've asked Rod and JeffP repeatedly to put in a new feature"I need some time off to urinate" button. 27) When you get into a car accident, and you tell the cop "I gotdowngraded". 28) When you make a web page all about Subspace(tee heeee). 29) When you write in these reasons while you're working. (Guesswhat? ) :) 30) When you spend more time finding the wav file "There Can BeOnly ONE". 31) When you play wing commander and wonder why the hell the tabkey doesn't work.(I've done this) :) 32) When you play a league game, Trixter, D-Tox, and Fury go to theoffices of Stomped.com and play off their T1. 33) Or. Go to Trix's house and get D-ToX, Fury, BetaMax, andconnect via phone line just so we can talk to each other. 34) Or. Do the same thing, Change your name to Gina, Patricia,Jennifer, and Darcy and go slap around the alpha zone and get insane2000+ bounties. 35) You think more about getting prox than paying your bills. 36) Your girlfriend calls your computer the "2nd woman" (happens tome) :P 37) and then she plays Subspace just as much. (doh) 38) You really like the music and start screamin "Go Fury Go, Getstupid, It's Yer birthday" during the last minute of speed zone. 39) Have no less than 50 cans of Mountain Dew strewn around yourroom. 40) Write 40 reasons why you play too much Subspace. :) 41) You forgot you turned on ?log and have a 40Mb session.log file 42) You can place 10 pbombs motionless at the same spot 43) You think Star Wars would have been much better with Warbirdsand Terriers instead of Tie Fighters and X-Wings 44) You have a w.t.f.? lag? macro 45) You rapidly hit shift+ctrl when win95 crashes and think youwere 2 late.. 46) You made a 'Songs I like hearing when playing SS' tape 47) You can predict what a green will give you 48) You're ?usage indicates you have been playing half as much asmelted :) 49) Your usage is high enough for people to make jokes about 50) You completely refuse to tell anyone your usage 51) Your wife schedules days, a week in advance to go to bed withyou 52) You've spoken with over 5 SubSpace players on the phone 53) Your wife has threated the lives of Jeff and Rod 54) You lose a scholorship and a place in the Honors College cuzyou played SS instead of went to class 55) You have Trash Talk BBS as your homepage on Netscape 56) Your SubSpace directory is almost 100 megs 57) You spent more then 10 minutes making a banner 58) You spent hours on a squad insignia 59) You identify with 1-58 60) You're downloading SS on a customers computer while its in yourrepair store for something else totaly.. 61) You are reading this post while passing the time on the samecustomers computer because it downloads to slow 62) You brag about your ?usage 63) You have an entire hardrive (224 meg) dedicated to subspace 64) You voted subspace best game ever in the PcGamer top 50 65) You have a monument dedicated to JeffP (gotta come to Idaho tosee it sometime man) 66) You've visited Rod's birthplace, and taken your family!! 67) You've quickly developed carpal tunnel syndrome in the lastyear. 68) You call your 1987 honda a "neg" 69. You spend more time playing subspace than working 70. You attempted to arrange a "Turf help-line" to assist theafflicted 71. Most of your knowledge of physics comes from SubSpace 72. Strangely enough, the 3 13 year olds found crucified in yourcity were all 1. Negkillers, 2. On the ReDs:) 73. You're not at all amazed that this list is nearing 100 74. You wake your girlfriend and yourself up in the middle of thenight screaming "DID YOU SEE THAT FREAKING LAGGER GO THROUGH THOSE MINES!" (yes this happened to me) 75.you realize there is no such thing as alien abductions: ppl justlose track of time playing SubSpace.(the truth was finally found :P) 76.uhhh **** I'm wasting time reading this while I could be playingsubspace. 77. The chair you sit in while you play SubSpace has grown ontoyour butt. 78. Your TV does the poltergeist thingy cause you don't pay itenough attention. 79.You have no need for Windows you just need the SubSpace icon. 80. Your mouse is nothing but bones on your mousepad. 81. You just noticed you haven't had a cigarette scince you gotSubSpace. 82. If you get beat up at school you start whining "he lags he mustbe on the ReDS""wait that was M 5" 83.You have went through 10 keyboards.(you know what I mean) 84. Girlfriend? oh s**t where is she?????(self explanatory) 85. You buy a new computer just so SubSpace runs better. 86. You buy a T3 so u don't lag and ppl still whine at you"lag,lag" 87. The radiation from your monitor works like asprin. 88. oh s**t there are 100000 newspapers in front of my house. 89. Your girlfriend says take out the trash and you say"ok honey ialmost got the stupid lagger" 90. You wonder if the sun still exists. 91. You plan to sue VIE for not having a warning" this is moreaddicting than crack"label. 92. Someone asks how's your job and you say"I got 100k in pointstoday" 93. You have so much trash around your computer you need a snowshouvel to get to the fridge. 94. You no longer talk only type. 95. Your lawn is a freaking jungle. 96. When you consider church kissing up to jeffp and rod. 97. Your gatting an A++++ in physics and F's in all your otherclasses and you don't wonder why. 98. The greatest moment in your life was when you won the duelingtourney. 99. Whoah! this list is almost at 100. 100. This list is at 100. 101. This is 1 helluva lot of reasons. 102. You're beating yourself up cause you coulda been gettingpoints instead of getting this list over 100. 103. You spend as much time on the Boards than you spend actuallyplaying the game. 104. You start feeding your terrier green candy hoping that itwould grow faster. 105. You wish you'd have had XRadar when a German (=green) policecar pulls you over. 106. You buy a ferret (resemblance to Weasel), a terrier, anagressive parrot (warbird), and a black widow... 107. You put those pets in the same cage and wait to see which onestays alive. 108. You devise a standard HTML format including pictures and linksto use in all your posts. 109. You stay awake longer and longer until you live by USA time inEurope. 110. You're second in command on a League Zone squadron, and alsoplay the Ladder. 111. Wayne Hall does something "only because it's you" (happened tome, check out the TechBoard). 112. Wayne Hall says "you should know better" (guess what) 113. You go to Chaos, and people start asking you questions becausethey think you're on the SubSpace team (happened too). 114. Everybody in the game seems to know you. 115. You think it very odd if somebody (anybody) doesn't. 116. You are placed in the Hall of Fame. 117. You've bought extra video RAM just to run a res higher. 118. You're thinking of buying a better graphics card just to goanother res higher. 119. You can fly all ships (inlcluding the Spider) to rather higheffect. 120. You are asked to write part of a SubSpace guide by Rincewind,but play too much subspace to actually write it (sorry Rince... do youstill need it?) 121. You have installed the SubSpace screen saver. 122) You held a dueling tournament 123) You almost won the tournament 124) You actually answer people you don't know who cross server msgyou 125) You search forever on the net for that perfect wav that youend up never using because you are playing too much. 126) You are behind some guy going 5mph on the highway and scream,"GET A NEW FREAKING MODEM YOU LAGGER!" 127) jerrica has a pet name for you 128) You have a pet name for her 129) You play a game of street hockey, and lose, then ask the otherteam what their packetloss is 130) They understand what you are talking about 131) You want ghost back 132) The word ctrl on your keyboard has been rubbed off 133) You stay up 2 days in a row just to try to get back onto aregular sleeping schedule 134) You end up staying up 3 days in a row 135) Rod actually replies to you in email (but not frequently) 136) You drive at night and frequently reach for the x-radar tocheck for cloakers on the road. 137) You spend far too much time giving people in subspace petnames :P 138) You install subspace on all the pc's in your office, and logon during 15min breaks. 139) You sleep 4hrs a day to try and make time for a life outsideof subspace :) 140) You wasted 1:30 on the message board. 141) 99% of html writen is related to SS. 142) Arrow keys, shift, ctrl, and tab rubed off. 143) Want to put sis's boy friend on hit list, in order to attainmore play time. ;) (or get him addicted to SS) 144) You have ever crashed an entire lab of computers, because theMAN says you cant play SS in there anymore. 145) You develop deep feelings for the female subspace pilots.smooch 146) You develop deep feelings for the male subspace pilots. j/k 147) You split with your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife oversubspace 148) People start copying your macros. 149) You avoid using your default handle to avoid duel ladderchallenges. 150) You spend more time in spec mode than playing. 151) You start having nightmares about the sound that collectinggreens makes. 152) You start to feel embarrassed when people yell out your namewhen you enter the game. 153) You feel insulted if no one says hello to you when you enterthe game. 154) Your eyesight deteriorates from chatting with tombstone. 155) You develop a taste for dance/hip hop from listening to hiswav's. 156) Your address book contists entirely of subspace players' emailaddresses. 157) Your bookmarks consist entirely of subspace related links. 158) You stop responding to people addressing you by your realname. 159) You think about changing your real name to your handle. 160) You give up downloading warez/porno to play subspace more. 161) You miss Ljc 162) The best thing that happened to you all week is logging on tospeed with 10 seconds left on the timer. 163) The worst thing that happened was when you had -99.8% YtoS pl 165) You're certain Wayne Hall is behind a conspiracy to stop youfrom playing. 166) You know who Wayne Hall is. 167) You bombed Wayne Hall's house cuz he made your ISP suk j/k 168) You think epoch.net and netcom are a gift to this planet. 169) People ask you for a freq even when you're obviously on a pubfreq. 170) You jack off to Subspace instead of porno. 171) You've visited the Subspace homepage more times than you'vevisited Persian Kitty. 172) You dream about winning a flag game. 173) Food? What the hell is food? 174) You or your squad appear on the top 10 list. 175) You get po'd if you figure out you're #11. 176) You have an insane number of handles, each with their owntraits and personalities. 177) The warzone winning music is more exiting than Pearl Jam. 178) You piss in your pants if it reads "No Response" all the waydown. 179) You've ever reached 1000 bounty on your own. 180) You kill 1000 bounty players with ease. 181) You've been reading single replies to this list but noticedthat you could've just read the last one. 182) You consider doing a good copy of this list for all's sake. 183) You read through the whole list and think: I've done all that! 184) You try and make a midterm test and write SubSpace instead ofyour name (and include your Handle on all questions) 185) When you start walking towards the computer your wife freaksout and starts screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOO! 186) Your wife wants to make a phone call and you get safe andfight about it! 187) If you have read all the way to this point! 188) Had a desire to put your two cents in casue it would be cool! 189) Because you laughed and understood all previous 188 reasons! 190) Wife has deleted the program 3 times and you just download itagain! 191) You've cut and pasted the entire list into a MS Word file,including the names of the posters at the bottom of each section inorder to give due credit. (Just did it) 192) You intend on printing out the list to thumbtack onto a corkboard in your room. 193) You give the file to whoever wants it. (Any takers?) 194) You keep three 3 liter bottles of soda on the chair next toyou for long-lasting close-by refreshments or a safe zone break(Pathmark brand orange, cola, and citrus cooler baby!). 195) You brag that your country is better because it has the bestSubSpace pilots. 196) You want VIE to hold a SubSpace Olympics to prove to the guywho claims his country is better than yours is wrong. 197) You keep a large jar next to your computer to save time duringpotty breaks. (Not me on this one) 198) The female players figure out how to use that jar effectivelywithout spilling. (PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!! ;) ) 199) You look up after intense combat and see the sun coming up outthe window. 200) You've assisted in getting this list over 200 entries. 201) You get your dad into the game. 202) You regret getting your dad into the game because he's hoggingthe computer now. (Darn you Quixdraw!) 203) You decide to catch up on some missed sleep from playingSubSpace because your dad is hogging the computer. 204) You wake up to the sound of your dad screaming about how badthe lag is. 205) You consider putting a copy of SubSpace on the laptop andhooking a modem up to it just to whip your father's arse in the game. ;) 206) Someone cuts you off on a highway and you scream at them, "YOUDARN LAMER! TRY THAT WHEN I'M FULLY GREENED!" 207) You try to fire off a repel when stuck in a traffic jam. (Alsoworks with warp) 208) You build up so much credibility in your SubSpace handle thatsome jealous lamer decides to write a false post on the trash board andsign your handle to it, just to discredit your name. (I KNOW who you are and yourarse is mine!!!!) 209) You ignore the movie on the TV when it gets to a dirty partbecause your so engrossed in the game. (Only works with the guys, I hopethis compensates for 198 ;) ) 210) You think SubSpace is the perfect medium for those Dungeon andDragon style role playing games. (not the video game version, you knowwhat I mean) 211) DARN! I just drank the last of the orange soda! ;) 212) You wish the original Asteroids could have been this good. 213) You see one of those street corner mimes imitating apedestrian and wonder which one is the decoy. 214) You shoot the mime to see if the bullets pass through it andsee if it's the decoy. (Or that's the excuse you gave the cops, you knowthe real reason why you shot the mime ;) ) 215) 1-900-SUB-SPACE (Need I say more?) 216) You learn neat ways of tricking the newbies into going into aprivate arena. (ex: Masamune>3Yeah, I heard if you type ?godmode, youget superpower. Oops!) AND IT WORKS EVERY TIME!!! ;) 217) You go to Warzone at 5AM to win the flag game alone just tosee what happens. (By the way, you only get one point out of it. ;) ) 218) You write short stories with characters based on playershandles based upon SubSpace. (Not me, yet.) 219) You just wrote all this in MS Word, and when you hit thereload button in Netscape, someone has already posted in front of youand you realize you have to change ALL the numbers! 220) You've just added 30 entries to the list, mostly based onstuff that you do. (Notice I said MOSTLY) 221) You read the post that took your spot and see it's onlyflaming, so you are relieved that you don't have to change all thenumbers. (WHEW!) ;) 222) Everytime you hear a chirp (a bird maybe) you think it is aprivate message for you. 223) You know most of the people in every zone 224) All of your dreams are about subspace 225) You've considered working for burst just to play this for freewhen it goes pay 226) Subspace is burned into your monitor 227) Everywhere you look you see the subspace radar screen 228) You have taken 20 megs worth of subspace screen shots 229) You want this list to have it's own site 230) You have already made the site 231) You memorized this list 232) You stay up all night reading and adding to this list 233) You refer to your Camaro as "fast as a Javelin" (yes, i have) 234) You post for a SECOND time in this list 235) You try to find the PERFECT music for playing SubSpace (I'vefound it, btw) 236) You don't know what ship to choose because you can fly themall 237) You also know all the special tactics for all ship types 238) Newbies think you're with the SubSpace team 239) In Running somebody starts complaining to you about a cheaterin Speed 240) You leave SubSpace to return shortly after because you seemedto have nothing better to do 241) You actually did have something better to do 242) The only things on your desk that are accessable through thelitter are your monitor and your keyboard 243) There's 5 inches of dust on your floor because you hadn'ttaken the time to vacuum it 244) Your TV has been broken for a month, but you don't care 245) You can't even find your TV's remote in all the litter flungaround (goddammit, where is it) 246) You have to sign something with your real name, you find itstrange 247) You have even sometimes signed something with your SubSpacehandle 248) You skip classes just to play SubSpace late 249) You are not at all surprised this list is coming towards 250 250) You are not at all surprised this list is at 250 251) You are not at all surprised this list is over 251 252) You start thinking of trash just to get this list over 250 253) Your ash tray is hidden somewhere under a pile of ash 254) You have devised a way to play with one hand, so you won'thave to pause to take a cigarette 255) You see Burst as God and MCI as Satan 256) You consider JeffP, Rodvik, Juan and Wayne to be gods 257) Even though you know they have their own religions 258) You are actually thinking of going to pay (j/k) 259) You don't understand why the Tab key doesn't work when you'replaying TieFighter 260) You've placed a bet on how far this list will go 261) Your target bty is so high you see a bright blue once in amonth 262) Your own bounty's average is far above that number 263) You're actually deliberately thinking of what to add to thislist 264) You appologise to Tremyr for cutting the grass right in frontof him (sorry Tremyr) 265) You have bookmarked Tremyr's site 266) You're considering on adding the URL to your standard HTMLmessage form 267) You're going to do just that 268) You add Tremyr's two lines here: 269) Family members have to pick up the phone to mess up yourinternet connection which kicks you off so they can use the phone! 270) Your girlfriend just stands there as you and four of yourfriends talk about SubSpace. 271) Nintendo? What's a Nintendo? 272) You think exterminators are the best SubSpace players sincethey kill wasps regularly. 273) You showed your dad what you wrote about him in entries 201 to205. 274) You'll go through the 5 stages of tragedy when SS goes pay.(Denial, barganing, etc.) 275) You design new ships with different abilities for SS. 276) You submit them to Rod and Jeff for evaluation. 277) They actually accept them. 278) You submit to Weight Watchers that becoming addicted to SS ita good way to lose weight. (You eat less and burn calories throughscreaming and body english) 279) You write letters to various rock and alternative bands togive one of their songs to VIE to use as the 1 minute warning music inWar and Speed zones, just to get that techno crap out of there!!! (j/k) 280) You get your in-laws with heart conditions into SS, just tocollect their life insurance earlier. Masamune 281) You made copies of this list in French, German, Japanese andSpanish 282) You LEARN French, German, Japanese and Spanish so you cancurse at lamers in their native tongue 283) You seriously consider a trip around the world to personallythrottle the begeezus out of some lamers who desparately need it. 284) Your "home" keys are now Ctrl, tab, arrow keys and shift. 285) Your hand is deformed so pressing those keys rapidly andprecicly seems like no big deal. 286) The Subspace team FINNALY lets you customize your keyboardinterface and you don't care, you're used to it now. 287) After staring at the monitor for 30 consecutive hours you geta splitting headache, but you don't stop. 288) You play more subspace in hopes that the headache will goaway, of course it doesn't, but you play more anyway. 289) You thought you would be very clever and post something aboutsubspace a lot of people would respond to. they did, and now loading themessage board crashes your web browser (not kidding). 290) You start up subspace and all the zones are "No response" soyou play offline in hopes that it will satisfy your need. 291) It does. 292) You green up to a bounty of more than 200 while doing it. 293) You attempt to engage people in converations about Subspacewho don't care. i.e. "Nice shoes grandma, wanna hear about how I vulcheda 5-stack turret worth over 2000 bounty?!" 294) You laughed your butt off when a friend wanted to bet you 50$this list would not get over 1000. You now want to take that bet. 295) He has withdrawn his offer. 296) A friend playing on the computer across the room asks youwhere the turret you're driving is, you tell him, and then hear a bunchof keyboard clicking. You then say "I'm sure you're going to use that info to stay away,not tell your frequency" the keyboard clicking stops. 297) It starts again and you throw a chair at him. 298) You miss because you are too busy playing Subspace! 299) The game is going pay and you hope it will not be more than50$ because you know you'd pay it. 300) Your boss walks in and says "Are you plying subspace again?!"and only cares because you are hogging the Pentium 21" HE wasnt to playSubspace on 301) You get fired for the same reason. 302) You get re-hired because you won't let him on your turretsanymore :) 303) You no longer require solid foods, just a continuos supply ofice-tea. 304) Your girlfriend says "its either me or subspace!" and you justgiggle. 305) You bought a P100 w. 40MB Ram, a 2MB Grafik Card and a 17"Monitor just for SS (Did that) 306) Ya spend 3 weeks of you holiday playing SS all night, having aUSA Day/Night Rythm in Central Europe (did that) 307) Your telephone bill is more than your ?usage time (250)(f**king pay / minute) ($300 Phone bill :( ) 308) You bought a T1 just for playing SS (ya think i m stupid ?!?!:) ) 309) Ya play SS instead of going to a party on weekends (did this) 310) Ya can t work regularly b/c of your lack of sleep (ack, didthis too) 3 311) Ya can t quit playing SS b/c of the most that is listened above 312) Ya made many friends playing SS and talk to the often 313) You make a Web page dedicated to this list. 314) You tell Jolly that if he gets any more money from bets on howlong this list gets, you want a cut. 315) You take back your request when you know he won t let you onhis turret if you don t. 316) You change your mind and hold his turret for ransom. ;) 317) How many handles do you guys have? ;) 318) You want SS to make heat seeking missiles in the next version. 319) You tell war stories to your grand kids about how you facedthat turret down, back against the wall, it was me or him. So I decidedI was gonna go out in a blaze of glory as I kicked on my thrusters and flew straightat it firing everything I had!! ;) 320) You wonder what the name of the long-necked bird primarilyfound in deserts is. 321) While driving, a pigeon flies overhead and craps on your 1987Honda (refer to entry 68), you scream at it for being such a neg killer. 322) You watch a WWII movie and wonder why the Hellcats aren tfiring Thors Hammers. 323) You re writing letters to various companies asking them yousponsor SS to keep it a pay for free game. 324) You wish VIE made a few NPC s to beat upon. 325) Those drones from tutorial would be nice. ;) 326) A commercial airliner flies REAL low over your house at night,waking you up, and you wish you had a Jav in your backyard to shoot thedarn thing down! 327) You just took a month making the Star Wars ships in 3ds tooverwrite the gfx file with... 328. You are only 18 and are beginning to have arthritis in yourhands. 329. You begin to think about the "good ole days" 330. Instead of your mother wanting u to stay home, she asks you toleave so you wont play the game anymore. 331. You start having withdrawals if you dont play for one day. 332. You do more things for SS than u do for yourself. 333. You keep telling yourself "ya, I will catch up on my sleeptommorow, just one more game." 334. You have lost a girlfriend due to you always saying "I amkinda busy right now." 335. You get your new girlfriend envolved in the game. 336. You have more banners than all the banners added up on thebanners page of VIE. 337. You keep telling yourself, "I have got to quit playing SS somuch." 338. You were just contacted by Oprah Winfrey to explain yourobsession with SS. 339. And then Hard Copy calls. 340. You win the lottery but you think u will lose to much time ifyou go to pick up your money. 341. You have made all new words that arent in the dictionary. ie:blah, bah, alg, arg, pfft.. 342. You read this list and say "hey that explains me" to every oneof the posts. 343. You can enter any zone and ppl say hey to you. 344. You talk to ppl on the phone concerning your squad. 345. You have forgotten how to count, look above. :) 346. You say to yourself, "why in the hell am I typing this out, Ishould be playing SS. 347. You buy a 2nd machine, set up a tcp/ip lan and all you needfor running that machine as your spectating monitor. 348) You expect your niehbor's terrier is going to shoot L3 bulletsnext time it barks. 349) You think that the spider walking across your keyboard is goingto cloak, and you're suprised when it doesn't. 350) You see a weasel running across your yard and run in fear of L2EMP pbombs 351) You had to make a list for all of your macros. (did that one) 352) You threw the list away last week because you memerized whateach hot key is and what it says. 353) You've considered linking subspace directly to your brain :) 354) You think that the green ball that your cat(s) are playing withwill give you a burst if you eat it 355) You actually eat it. 356) When you go to the emergency room, they already have a formfilled out with your name and condition because you've done this manytimes. 357) You started writing these reasons expecting to write about 2,but end up writing 20 or more. 358) You confess to them all 359) The ctrl key on your keyboard is permenetly pressed down. 360) You have to have a count-down stopwatch next to your computerso you don't end up with a bill of $400 or more 361) You spend Prom Nite at home playing SubSpace. 362) When you buy a t-shirt with your squad's name on it. 363) When you try to achieve the highest rating ever, even if itmeans you can't shoot anyone below 250 bty. 364) When you do achieve the highest rating, # of wins, # of pointsever. 365) You have had a number of dreams about flying the shark (beenthere) 366) You wrote a letter to PC Gamer magazine outraged because they didn't includesubspace in their online games article! (done that) 367) You have an autographed picture of you and the SubSpace Team atDisneyland. 368) Your friends give up trying to ring you on the phone, so they meet youin Chaos Zone West. 369) You have a bumper sticker saying: "Honk if you fly a Weasel" -- Stillnothing. 370) There is now a permanent indent of the Ctrl key on one of yourfingers, with the letters "CTRL" backwards. 371) You kiss your girlfriend's Warbird everytime she flys past. 372) The SubSpace Gun and Bomb Icons have burnt into your monitor screen. 373) You buy a laptop just so you can play SubSpace on your holiday inHawaii. 374) In IRC chat you find yourself typing "//" before messages. 375) You work in "resets" instead of weeks. 376) Your parents have threatened to pull the plug on the modem, more than once. 377) You then park yourself in a safe zone and threaten to hang yourself. 378) Your pets each have their own SubSpace alias. 379) Your wife left you three resets ago, and you didnt even notice. 380) Your son tells you he's had that goatie for 4 months now. 381) You tell the kids "Daddy's got work to do", you dont even have a job. 382) You have a bumper sticker saying: "Honk if your a neg killer" 383) You hear someone honk at you, turn around and ram the car that honkedwhile screaming out the window: "DIE NEG KILLER, MUHAHAHHAA!!" 384) You think there are no 'years' just 'versions'. 385) As your car falls off the cliff you start to frantically look for theInsert key. 386) You see a lady walking a few dogs, one is a Terrier... you cautiouslyget behind it, then pounce on it and begin to punch the crap out of it. 387) The lady sees what you are doing releases her fleet of Spiders on you. 388) You run away in fear because you have no Xradar. 389) You read back through the list and laugh at ones like: "Whoah! this list is almost at 100." because the list is now at 389. 390) You've read through this list over five times. 391) You are really pissed because your not in the Hall of Fame and you think you should be. 392) You have 400 people on your ICQ list... all SubSpace players. 393) You actually have over 900, but those 400 are the only ones that are online. 394) You've just added a "<p>" infront of all 394 of these things. 395) You've created a zone. 396) Its not lame. 397) And the average number of players in the zone is more than 10. 398) You set up a lame looking SubSpace 'news' site which is a virtual copy of Cybrid's. 399) You believe people actually visit it. 400) You use someones map without authority in your lame powerball zone, that person tells you to get it down. You then attempt an insult on your news site. "I will be posting all kick ass levels I do, in the future, and will allow ANYONE TO USE THEM, AND I WILL NOT TALK TRASH ABOUT THEM DOING SO :) Unlike some other map makers." -- Your "kick-ass level" is just a lame modification of the Alpha map. 401) You know who I am talking about. 402) You set up SubSpace on two computers just so you don't have to keep changing to spec to look for flags or find that "Mega Turret". 403) You create a "SubSpace Manager" program. 404) VIE employees recommend it too. 405) You have moderator 'powers' in any zone. 406) The zone is a WARZONE or VRGN zone. 407) The zone is a VIE zone! 408) You've actually flown the shark. 409) People begin to think your a VIE employee. 410) You've bookmarked this page. 411) You start to notice things repeating themselves in this list. 412) You just relised that you forgot to put in the divider after number 400 because you didn't even notice the list go over that number. 413) Your asking people on your ICQ list for ideas for this list. 414) 100% of them respond with one -- except they have already been used. 415) You keep saying to yourself "Just one more kill, just one more kill" and end up playing for another 5 hours 416) You setup SubSpace on the library computers at your school so your friends (who dont have computers) can get into the game. 417) When you find yourself copyrighting your SubSpace images. 418) When you find yourself copyrighting anything to do with SubSpace at all ;) 419) Especially Zone and Scenario ideas (hey, I dont want anyone to copy! ;) 420) You find yourself paying for your friends copys of SubSpace as they have already spent all their money on games like Dark Reign, Total Anhilation, Warlords III, Jedi Knight and Shadow Warrior. 421) Even during a natural disaster you continue to scout for flags for your team. 422) Somebody threatens you and you say: "You ain't got the Thors for it." 423) You have this strange feeling that this list will get to the 500 mark soon. 424) When your TV gets bad reception you call it lag. 425) You have no need for ICQ, just the subspace chat. 426) You're already saving up for next years convention. 427) You lie about your usage like women lie about their age/weight. 428) You've learned html for the sole purpose of using it on the message boards. 429) You buy a new monitor and video card just for subspace. 430) You spend more time helping people on the SS technical support message board then on all your other bookmarked pages rolled into one. 431) You spend more time making patches for subspace then acually playing it. 432) You've had every technical problem possible with your computer and subspace. 433) You've been through half a dozen ISP's trying to get a good connection to subspace. 434) You say "Aw the hell with it" and buy a T1. 435) You've bought a better computer just to run the highest quality subspace intro. 436) You wrote a very lengthy and in-depth subspace story. (I'm still working on mine) 437) You've memorized Rince's guide. 438) You wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat from a nightmare about subspace. 439) Since you're awake you decide to play Subspace. 440) You acually choose to play SS rather than having sex. 441) You try to come up with a way to play SS and have sex at the same time. 442) Your now x-wife takes everything you possess in the devorce, but you don't care because you still have your computer to play SS. 443) You find out she took the computer too so you attempt suicide. 444) You end up on the street holding a "Will work for Subspace" sign. 445) You find out the Homeless veterans are subspace vets. 446) When in a Traffic Jam you slam on the gas, hoping to fly through other cars. 447) You install a turret on the top of your car. 448) You haven't played SS for months, and you can't. You start to cry. (It's happened to me! :) 449) Before finishing off your enemys, you make sure you say "Hasta La Vista, Baby!" 450) You put a "I don't break for Neggers" bumper sticker on your car. 451) You eat as much Veggies as possible, saying you wanna "Power-Up." 452) You have read all 452 of these symptoms and realize you have 400 of them. 453) You sob uncontrollably when your friend goes off-line. 454) You joined Heaven's Gate hoping that the ship following Hale-Bopp would be a Terrier. 455) You got drunk, came home, saw your wife, and jumped on her, thinking she was a Green. 456) You weren't drunk. 457) You try to get St. Patrick's day renamed SubSpace day, because of all the green beer. 458) You kill someone trying. 459) Your usage has more digits than the code to the Government's Safe where all the blueprints to new, cool weapons are stored. 460) You can't buy SS so you commit Suicide, or try anyway. 461) You have started around 20 squads in your SS career. 462) Some of them are sucessful. 463) You bought Murphy's Laws of SubSpace 464) You went to Starship Troopers thinking it was actually a SubSpace movie, not a sex-driven movie about sex-crazy soldiers. 465) Your telling your friends about SubSpace and you say: "It's better than sex!" 466) Even after they look at you in disbelief you stick by what you said. 467) You take days off work or school to attend to "Squad Duties". 468) When you tell your boss why you were away you say: "I was attending to some other obligations." 469) Little do you know your boss knows what you've been up to, as he has seen you in War Zone during his lunch break. 470) You get fired. 471) One of your harddrives is labeled Subspace 472) You have all subspace versions from 1.09 to 1.34 on your harddrive 473) You have a directory with 250 MB of subspace files
  6. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Development Projects
    What clients are in development right now? Or games? Heard Poid was working on something?
    • Version 0.40
    Installer for the Windows version of the Continuum 0.40 client
  7. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Sniper - 1995 & 1996 SubSpace - 1997 to 2001 Continuum - 2001 to present People asking why I didn't choose a SubSpace related name... well, at this point we have had the Continuum Client for 6x as long as SubSpace was the PRIMARY client.
  8. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Going to work on creating a new theme for these forums, so shouldn't look so plain soon enough. THE Massively Multiplayer Online Game - Games and Clients inspired by the original MMOG test game Sniper, Circa 1995
  9. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Launch a beginners page I had created but never released A widget that shows the zones and their current populations Restore Zoner and its old comics Bring back some of the more popular pages from the old websites A Sniper 30th Anniversary/history of the game page (might reach out to some gaming websites about this anniversary too... traffic?)
  10. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Going to begin rebuilding the file repository for the game. I have quite a few files along with a huge back-up of SSDL. I will make sure to scan files before uploading them, as I know many had viruses/were viruses. Just a fault in the SSDownloads file submission system.
  11. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Wow, they don't default it to allow forum login. Turned that on now 😅
  12. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Going to see if it is possible to do this like I did the discord one. Will update if any progression is made.
  13. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Pretty straight forward as Invision has this as a default option. Hopefully no bugs.
  14. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Community Updates
    Took some toying and tweaking as I didn't care to pay for integration applications that do WAAAY more than I needed, but got the login/register function working. Keep me updated if any issues!
  15. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Devastation
    Since the zone description linked to the old SubSpace.co forums, figured I'd go ahead and restore them here
  16. PoLiX posted a post in a topic in Continuum
    I've been asked many times about restoring a central forum system for the game and its clients, so here we go?
  17. PoLiX posted a page in Articles
    To be continued...

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