I was working on a client for a few months back in 2021. It was made in C++ and rendered with OpenGL. I had it running on Windows, Linux, and Android. The code is written in a simplistic subset of C++, so it should be pretty easy for anyone to read if they ever decide to work on a real client. I haven't seen it crash ever, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were bugs and crashes somewhere. I never finished the ui stuff like arena menu, profile menu, etc. I also didn't implement profiles or zone list; everything is hardcoded into the build. It has VIE encryption and Continuum encryption support, but the Continuum encryption is private/disabled and done by using a network service. The simulation is done in floating point, so it's not 100% perfectly aligned with Continuum, but it's pretty close. The weapons will follow the same trajectory as Continuum, but weapon-player collisions can be off slightly due to using floats. I used this simulation code for my zero bot project. Github repository: nullspace Another earlier video showcasing it after a few months of work linked in the repo. Here's a video of it spectating in Trench Wars around the time I stopped working on it. nullspace is on the left and Continuum is on the right for comparison. (I guess Firefox doesn't support 4:4:4 chroma videos, but works with Chrome) 2021-08-16_16-30-05.mp4