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  1. 2 points
    Weather delayed me, so will get to this stuff this weekend hopefully
  2. Hi, I have made a development video snapshot of Phoenix USC in action. In this video I do a map/base run-through while 32 bots battle for the base flag. All bots are server controlled and the view is from a client. This video will give you a good overview of my development progress and all of the wonderful new features I've added ... like bots! I run through nearly all of the base and surrounding base area showing off all the base lighting effects, shader background, bots, radar and more. It will also give you a glimpse into what game play will be like as the 32 bots do well simulating players. Ive made a lot of progress in the last few months and I think this video helps to illustrate that. More soon! Checkout the video
  3. 1 point
    Launch a beginners page I had created but never released A widget that shows the zones and their current populations Restore Zoner and its old comics Bring back some of the more popular pages from the old websites A Sniper 30th Anniversary/history of the game page (might reach out to some gaming websites about this anniversary too... traffic?)
  4. Hi, In this video I am testing player / Bot exhaust trails. In this second revision I am using a larger sprite as the exhaust particle. Along with other settings it yields a better looking trail. I am flying in a ship that has a green trail and is the original particle effect for comparison. I like the look and it adds to the depth and player ship team identity as I plan to use the team color for exhaust trail. This is an area that will benefit from a future buy system where you might personalize your trail color. ( video - 1080p 00:08) More soon. Vidiot_X bot-trail-2.mp4
  5. 1 point
    I put together a little network bot that implements most of the game. It's not very configurable, but the source code shouldn't be too hard to work with. Source code: zero It can connect and play in zones with VIE encryption. It supports Continuum encryption, but that part is not available to the public. Should behave very similar to a normal client. It has been tested in both asss and subgame servers. Has a debug render window for a display of it playing. Uses behavior trees for gameplay behavior. Has some simple behavior trees defined for a few hardcoded servers. Downside is that the core update loop uses floats for position data, so it can sometimes eat bullets/bombs when it's very close. Most of the bot is hardcoded to what I was working with, so it's not very configurable. Bot command controllers, servers, etc. I don't use this bot anywhere, so I'm not sure about its stability. It's pretty easy to setup a subgame server that you can connect to locally. Allow vie clients and make sure you listen on so multiple connected bots don't get throttled by subgame. I would recommend setting the zero config server to Subgame and pointing that to the local connection. That will cause it to use the default svs behavior tree.
  6. 1 point
    Any chance you got the modified kernel for installing continuum on wine?
  7. 1 point
    I was working on a client for a few months back in 2021. It was made in C++ and rendered with OpenGL. I had it running on Windows, Linux, and Android. The code is written in a simplistic subset of C++, so it should be pretty easy for anyone to read if they ever decide to work on a real client. I haven't seen it crash ever, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were bugs and crashes somewhere. I never finished the ui stuff like arena menu, profile menu, etc. I also didn't implement profiles or zone list; everything is hardcoded into the build. It has VIE encryption and Continuum encryption support, but the Continuum encryption is private/disabled and done by using a network service. The simulation is done in floating point, so it's not 100% perfectly aligned with Continuum, but it's pretty close. The weapons will follow the same trajectory as Continuum, but weapon-player collisions can be off slightly due to using floats. I used this simulation code for my zero bot project. Github repository: nullspace Another earlier video showcasing it after a few months of work linked in the repo. Here's a video of it spectating in Trench Wars around the time I stopped working on it. nullspace is on the left and Continuum is on the right for comparison. (I guess Firefox doesn't support 4:4:4 chroma videos, but works with Chrome) 2021-08-16_16-30-05.mp4
  8. 1 point
    Beast of a storm slammed into us and knocked my power out for a couple days. Even cell service was hit and miss due to damage to cell towers. Good now and I am working on some more backend stuff, but plan to return to frontend this weekend if time allows. Take care 👍
  9. I've been asked many times about restoring a central forum system for the game and its clients, so here we go?
  10. Hi, I will be regularly posting progress updates and more here shortly. Phoenix USC is my spiritual remake of SubSpace and Continuum with a completely new server and client, a whole new game. My recent progress include a test of the Phoenix USC's server supporting 32 server controlled bot's. In this short attached video 32 bot's fight it out and as viewed from a Phoenix USC client. I will post more soon on Phoenix USC and where to follow my progress. More soon., Vidiot_X 32-bots-3-pusc.mp4
  11. Progress man. Know you've had a lot going on in life and all, so glad to see you're back to it 👍
  12. 1 point
    Fc was working on this extremegames.net (Only works on Chrome Browser I believe) It would be nice to get a clean version of SS/Continuum created and maintained that worked well with Apple and Linux in addition to windows. Including a fresh active zone list. So that folks that download the game can just go straight into it without having to download a new zone list and delete a bunch of inactive zones. As well as included a .pdf game guide. But maintained properly with the community with the proper latest versions (.40.0.x) or something.
  13. #superships ?go SS in EG or ?go SWARS in DSB SSCU Extreme Games IP: Port:7900 SSCU Death Star Battle IP: Port:3600

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