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Development Projects

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  1. Started by monkey,

    I put together a little network bot that implements most of the game. It's not very configurable, but the source code shouldn't be too hard to work with. Source code: zero It can connect and play in zones with VIE encryption. It supports Continuum encryption, but that part is not available to the public. Should behave very similar to a normal client. It has been tested in both asss and subgame servers. Has a debug render window for a display of it playing. Uses behavior trees for gameplay behavior. Has some simple behavior trees defined for a few hardcoded servers. Downside is that the core update loop uses floats for position data, so it can sometimes eat bullets/bombs …

  2. Started by PoLiX,

    What clients are in development right now? Or games? Heard Poid was working on something?

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